There is nothing worse than having a report submitted to you on a claim and having it create more questions for you than answers.  Not only do you have to contact the adjuster to clarify the investigation, but you end up losing time having to get the answers to the questions that the report should have already provided.  You may, in fact, end up questioning the factual integrity of the investigation as a whole and augmenting the stress and worry with more unanswered questions due to an incomplete investigation. 

How will you get the information needed to make a decision regarding the claim? 

 We can help. 

Let us break down the process to give you a crystal-clear view of how Churchill Claims Services works and how we are assisting Examiners all over the Nation with their claims using our proven system of ensuring that our adjusters have thoroughly handled the assignment, whether it’s a full or limited investigation.

  • We use a rigorous vetting process to find and retain only the best Adjusters.
  • We then use checklists to orient and familiarize new adjusters on how we report, relate to clients and how to use our custom-built Claims Management Software (CMS) to teach them how to be a Churchill adjuster.
  • Once they’ve assimilated all that we’ve taught them and they’re on their way to submitting their investigative findings, we use dedicated proofreaders for every report presented; before they get to the Examiner.

Why such a detailed process? All of these steps ensure clarity and consistency in report accuracy and formatting, along with a verified, complete investigation to include no questions left unanswered.

In short? It removes the worry from your day.

Email: to start submitting claims, send them via fax toll free: 866 800-0668 or visit our website to submit online.  Need additional information? Call us toll-free at 877-840-6277 about our claims adjusting and investigation services.