General Liability Adjusting Services in Minnesota


Do you need general liability adjusters in Minnesota? Our highly experienced adjusters are known for complete, accurate and always on-time investigations and reports.

Our mission is to provide examiners with a frustration-free claims investigation. We were founded in 2001 by seasoned adjusters who still oversee the operation to ensure claims investigations get done by unbiased, honest professionals who are fast, accurate and get it done right the first time.

What General Liability Claims can we handle?

Whether a slip and fall on your insured’s premises, a product liability case or employee dishonesty, our team covers all general liability claims in Minnesota.

How do we do it?

  • We have a thorough adjuster vetting process
  • Every adjuster works under an experienced Adjuster Supervisor
  • We use a Proprietary Claims Management software built by us from the ground up
  • We provide dedicated administrative and technical support for our adjusters
  • Inescapable diary tracking
  • All reports are standardized and run through proofers
  • It ends with a Supervisor final technical review
Nationwide Claims Services

 These steps ensure each of your claims are thoroughly investigated and accurately reported. And our reports are always delivered on time!

If you want to make sure that every claim is handled by a vetted, experienced, competent, proven, trustworthy and fully supported general liability adjuster, reach out to us now!

It is easy to send us assignments by email, online or fax. 

Email:   •   Fax: (866) 800-0668

Please call (877) 840-6277 or email with any questions about our services.

Metropolitan areas in Minnesota we cover:

Blaine  •  Bloomington  •  Brooklyn Park  •  Duluth  •  Lakeville

Minneapolis  •  Plymouth  •  Rochester  •  Saint Paul  •  Wyoming

Services Churchill Claims can help you with:

Click on the boxes below for more information

Minnesota Auto

Minnesota Trucking

Minnesota Vehicle

Minnesota General
Liability Adjusters

Minnesota Casualty

Minnesota Property

Minnesota Professional
Liability Adjusters

Minnesota SIU Investigators /
Minnesota Special Investigations

Minnesota Surveillance

It is easy to send us assignments by email, online or fax. 

Email:   •   Fax: (866) 800-0668

Please call (877) 840-6277 or email with any questions about our services.